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  • PA66 reforçado com fibra de vidro brilha intensamente no secador de cabelo
    Dec 21, 2022 PA66 reforçado com fibra de vidro brilha intensamente no secador de cabelo
    Hoje em dia, o mundo dos secadores de cabelo surgiu inesperadamente. Antes da rota sofisticada de Dyson, depois da rota civil do painço. Em todos os mercados pacíficos, todos os tipos de marcas domésticas de secadores de cabelo surgiram repentinamente para dominar o mercado Dyson e suprimir o preço da Xiaomi. Em um instante, todos os tipos de secadores de cabelo aos olhos do público. Segundo as estatísticas, no primeiro semestre de 2021, as vendas no varejo de secadores de cabelo na China foram de 2,76 bilhões de yuans, um aumento de 41,3% ano a ano, e as vendas no varejo foram de 13,81 milhões de unidades, um aumento de 40,9% ano a ano. Com o desenvolvimento do 5G, o secador de cabelo chinês entrou na próxima geração e a demanda das pessoas por um secador de cabelo personalizado também está aumentando. At the same time, glass fiber reinforced nylon has quietly become the star material of hair dryer shell, and become the landmark material of the next generation of high-end hair dryer. Glass fiber reinforced PA66 is commonly used in the mouthpiece of high-quality hair dryers to increase strength and heat capacity. However, as the function of the hair dryer becomes more and more demanding, ABS as the main material of the shell is gradually replaced by glass fiber reinforced PA66. At present, the main factors affecting the preparation of high performance glass fiber reinforced PA66 composites include the length of glass fiber, the surface treatment of glass fiber and its retention length in the matrix. So let's take a look at the influencing factors of glass fiber reinforced PA66 production 1. The length of glass fiber The length of fiber is one of the main factors to determine the fiber reinforced composite. In ordinary short fiber reinforced thermoplastics, the fiber length is only (0.2~0.6) mm, so that when the material is damaged by force, because of the short length of the fiber, so that its strength is basically not used, and the purpose of using fiber reinforced nylon is to use the high rigidity and high strength of the fiber to improve the mechanical properties of nylon, So fiber length plays an important role in mechanical properties of products. Compared with short glass fiber reinforced nylon, the modulus, strength, creep resistance, fatigue resistance, impact resistance, heat resistance and wear resistance of long glass fiber reinforced nylon have been improved, and its application in automobile, electrical appliances, machinery and military industry has been expanded. 2. Surface treatment of glass fiber The binding force between glass fiber and matrix is another important factor affecting the mechanical properties of composite materials. Glass fiber reinforced polymers have good properties only when effective interfacial bonding is formed. For glass fiber reinforced thermosetting resin or polar thermoplastic resin composites, the surface of glass fiber can be treated with coupling agent to form chemical bond between resin and glass fibe...
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  • Quão fortes são os compósitos de fibra de carbono para uso humano
    Dec 13, 2022 Quão fortes são os compósitos de fibra de carbono para uso humano
    Carbon fiber composite material, also known as carbon fiber reinforced plastic, has excellent mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. It has been widely used in industrial production, sports and outdoor, medical equipment and other fields. It has good compatibility with human body and can be used as artificial bone, joint, dental root canal post and other implants. Carbon fiber composites are safe and reliable in civil applications. Carbon fiber vs. carbon fiber composite In real life, many people tend to confuse the concept of carbon fiber and carbon fiber composite materials. Carbon fiber is not used directly in aerospace and civil fields, but carbon fiber composite materials. Carbon fiber composites, also known as carbon fiber reinforced plastics, are composed of carbon fiber and resin matrix. So outside of the manufacturing process, people don't touch carbon fiber at all. They touch a resin matrix, which is no different from common plastic products. Carbon fiber composites are widely used Carbon fiber composites have been widely used in civil fields, and their popularity in foreign markets is far greater than that in China. Industrial production Carbon fiber composites are widely used in various corrosion resistant pipe containers, aircraft, ships and vehicle structural parts in industrial production. Outdoor sports Carbon fiber composites are also widely used in outdoor sports products such as badminton rackets, tennis rackets, fishing rods, bicycles and tents. Medical apparatus and equipment In the field of medical instruments, it is used to make mobile platform for X-ray examination instrument by its full transmission of X-ray. Using CFRP's excellent mechanical properties, it has been used in the manufacture of orthopedic and organ transplantation and other medical devices, as well as the manufacture of prosthetics, orthotics and other rehabilitation products. Carbon fiber composites are used extensively in the human body At present, some companies have developed artificial bones and joints made of carbon fiber composite materials. The bending strength of this artificial bone is closer to that of real human bone than that of artificial bone made of other biological materials, which is of great significance to orthopedic medicine. The wear resistance of the artificial joint made of it at the movable joint is also higher than that of ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene and metal products. Better biocompatibility At present, carbon fiber composites have been widely used in bone internal fixation plate, bone filler, hip stalk, implant tooth root, skull repair materials and artificial heart materials. The bending strength of human bones is about 100Mpa, the bending modulus is 7~20Gpa, the tensile strength is about 150Mpa, and the tensile modulus is about 20Gpa. The bending strength of carbon fiber composites is about 89Mpa, the bending modulus is 27Gpa, the tensile strength is about 43Mpa and the tensile modulus is about 24Gpa, whic...
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  • Folha termoplástica reforçada com fibra longa (LFT)
    Dec 05, 2022 Folha termoplástica reforçada com fibra longa (LFT)
    LFT information LFT sheet is a new generation of thermoplastic composite material after GMT (glass fiber felt reinforced thermoplastic) sheet. It is composed of long fiber as reinforcement material and polypropylene (PP), PA, PET as matrix material. Compared with GMT, LFT sheet has the following outstanding advantages: 1. The sheet has better fluidity in the pressing process, the manufacturing process is the same as GMT, and the basic performance is similar to GMT. 2, the sheet price is greatly reduced, more cost-effective. Compared with SMC (thermosetting sheet molding material), LFT has no storage time problem and the product can be recycled. For the same product, LFT is used to produce lighter quality, which can be reduced by 1/3. If used in the automotive field can effectively reduce the weight of the car to reduce fuel consumption! The molding cycle of SMC products is longer, the production cost of SMC products is relatively increased, and LFT has better toughness than SMC products. At the same time, the production site environment is significantly better than that of SMC. Although the unit price of the LFT is slightly higher than that of the SMC, the combined cost is comparable to that of the SMC. In the automobile industry and many fields, there is an urgent need for weight, environmental protection, recyclable, good impact toughness, etc., the above characteristics of LFT sheet is a new composite material which is very forward-looking in line with the global and Chinese development needs. LFT sheet using method and pressing process: 1, using the volume calculation method or density conversion method between different materials to calculate the product sheet dosage. 2. Cut the LFT sheet into a size roughly the same as the product area and weigh the additional sheet. 3. Preheat it at 220℃ for 8-12 minutes to make it soft. 4, take out, immediately put into the mold of the press, and quickly close the mold (mold temperature at about 90℃). 5. It can be removed 1-3 minutes after mold closing. 6, remove a small number of burrs, flying thorns, the product is ready. Principais áreas de aplicação da folha LFT: 1, autopeças: feixe de pára-choques, estrutura do assento, extremidade frontal, estrutura do painel de instrumentos, suporte da bateria, tampa do motor, pedaleira, placa interna da porta, placa de proteção, suporte de bagagem, estrutura do pneu sobressalente e outros 40 tipos 2, modelo de construção: modelo fundido no local, modelo pré-fabricado 3. Caixa de embalagem: placa inferior e placa lateral do contêiner 4. Estádios e equipamentos esportivos: assentos, esquis, etc. 5, equipamentos químicos: componentes anticorrosivos da torre, filtro, componentes do reator, etc. 6, eletrodomésticos: cobertura externa da máquina de ar condicionado, grade de cabos, estrutura, etc.
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  • Materiais de comunicação 5G -- Plásticos compostos reforçados com fibra longa LFT-PP
    Nov 30, 2022 Materiais de comunicação 5G -- Plásticos compostos reforçados com fibra longa LFT-PP
    A rede de comunicação 5G chegou, é uma nova ciência e tecnologia, o desenvolvimento de materiais poliméricos também traz novas oportunidades, os fornecedores de materiais de alto desempenho estão se preparando ativamente para os materiais necessários para a comunicação 5G. Entre eles, o material composto reforçado com fibra longa LFT pode ser usado no radome da estação base 5G, estrutura do equipamento, suporte, filtro e outros aspectos e é favorecido. Hoje, falaremos sobre o material LFT. 1. Definition and characteristics of LDT-PP long fiber reinforced thermoplastics (LFT) refers to long, continuous glass fibers, After special process is fully infiltrated by resin, wait until the strip, and then cut into a specific size glass fiber reinforced rubber particles or resin soaked long glass fiber strip directly molded or injection molding material. The length of glass fiber in LFT materials is generally more than 3 mm, and its application and development goal is to be used as semi-structural and structural materials. Among them, the LFT composites based on polypropylene PP have the advantages of light weight and high strength, easy manufacturing and cost optimization. As a new high performance engineering plastics, it has been widely used. Currently, it is the first choice of polymer matrix composites for automotive lightweight. FEATURE ADVANTAGE The fiber length is long and evenly distributed It can improve the comprehensive mechanical properties of molded products Light specific gravity It is 20% lighter than glass fiber reinforced nylon and 62% lighter than aluminum alloy The molding shrinkage is small Product size stability It can be recycled and reused Green and environmental friendly 2. Preparation process of LFT-PP According to the preparation technology, the LFT-PP high performance composites can be divided into two categories: LFT-G process and LFT-D-ILC process. 2.1 LDT-G process Firstly, through the mixing of resin, glass fiber and additives, LFT-G long fiber pellets are prepared by special melt impregnation composite method, and then the final product is finished by injection molding process. The fiber length of LFT varies with the processing process. Impact properties are particularly dependent on the length of the glass fiber. The length of commercial LFT-G colloidal particles is generally 6 ~ 25mm. The LDT-G composite supports semi-mechanism automotive applications, such as front end components, door components, instrument bearers, tailgate and seating systems, combining lightweight and functionality. 2.2 LFT-D-ILC process The LDT-D-ILC is called the long fiber reinforced thermoplastic material online molding process technology. This process, the online mixing system is integrated in the molding process, matrix particles and additives are transported to the gravimetric feeding unit combination, which ensures appropriate mixing according to the mechanical properties of the component requirements. 3. The application of LFT-PP Automotive...
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  • Os termoplásticos de fibra longa estão atingindo seu potencial
    Nov 24, 2022 Os termoplásticos de fibra longa estão atingindo seu potencial
    A tecnologia termoplástica de fibra longa (LFT) continua a se desenvolver. Enquanto as aplicações automotivas mantêm seu domínio de mercado, outras áreas da indústria são cada vez mais atraídas pela promessa de peso leve e alta resistência - os compostos LFT PP, por exemplo, podem oferecer alternativas de custo mais baixo aos metais, bem como polímeros de engenharia técnica de custo mais alto. Penetração contínua de LFT PP compestrondos no setor automotivo De acordo com um relatório divulgado pela AMI Consulting em setembro de 2021, a penetração no mercado de PP continua aumentando. O relatório quantifica o uso de LFT PP em forma granular (LDT-G) e LFT PP composto direto em linha (LDT-D) e rastreia o uso em todo o mundo. O LFT PP é amplamente utilizado em montagens de front-end automotivo, montagens de painel, painéis de porta, consoles, pedais, protetores de carroceria e muitas outras aplicações automotivas, disse a empresa. Uma característica dessas aplicações é que o LFT PP está substituindo o aço - reduzindo assim o peso - ou plásticos de engenharia mais caros. A AMI Consulting prevê que o LFT PP manterá um forte crescimento até 2025. Embora as taxas de crescimento variem entre os segmentos de aplicação, OEMs automotivos e mercados geográficos. No passado, a Europa era líder em vendas de LFT, mas isso mudou. A Ásia responde por 50% da demanda global de LFT PP em 2020, em comparação com 26% na Europa e 24% nas Américas (Tabela 1), de acordo com o relatório. Tabela 1: Distribuição global do mercado LFT PP nos últimos 20 anos Uma das áreas de aplicação que mais cresce são as portas elevatórias para porta-malas de carros, que variam em design de totalmente em metal a quase nenhum metal. Em projetos sem metal, o LFT PP é usado para fornecer resistência estrutural e é complementado por PP de alto desempenho para fornecer uma pele exterior pintável. Nas aplicações mais exigentes, os elementos LFT PP dentro da estrutura ficam expostos e por isso requerem um bom acabamento estético. As portas plásticas do elevador são especialmente valiosas para os fabricantes de carros elétricos como uma nova maneira de reduzir o peso. A mudança para veículos elétricos e híbridos, embora ameace algumas aplicações de polímeros existentes, também está criando novas oportunidades para o LFT PP, pois os designers estão repensando conceitos e adotando novas abordagens. O relatório cita o exemplo do "frunk" da Tesla - um compartimento de reserva ou armazenamento localizado na frente. Isso usaria o espaço na frente do veículo para armazenamento, mas precisaria ser projetado com a capacidade da frente de um carro tradicional de absorver o impacto de uma colisão. O forte interesse em materiais LFT de várias indústrias é confirmado pela RTP Inc., que oferece uma ampla gama de materiais LFT. "Peças de substituição de metal ou compostos de fibra de vidro curtos superdimensionados continuam a ser grandes oportunidades de crescimento", disse Zach Halverson, gerente de negócios de ...
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  • A aplicação de compósito de fibra longa em assento de automóvel
    Nov 24, 2022 A aplicação de compósito de fibra longa em assento de automóvel
    Nos últimos anos, com o rápido desenvolvimento da indústria automobilística, os vários requisitos das pessoas para assentos de carro continuam a melhorar, assento de carro leve, multifuncional, proteção ambiental, conforto e segurança são as necessidades básicas das pessoas para assentos de carro, portanto, esses aspectos têm gradualmente se tornou a direção principal do desenvolvimento de assentos de carro. O material compósito de fibra longa é composto de resina e material compósito de fibra longa, com uma variedade de características, como alta resistência, baixa densidade, tempo de produção curto e fácil de formar, adequado para a tendência atual de desenvolvimento de assentos de carro, assim no automóvel indústria, tornou-se gradualmente a primeira escolha de materiais de assento de carro. 1. Visão geral dos assentos de carro Car seats are mainly composed of four parts: seat cover, seat pillow, seat foam and seat skeleton. In addition, due to different market demands, some seats also have armrests, waist brackets or massage and other related comfort components, and some seats have cuphorers, drawers and other storage functions. At present, the lightness, comfort and safety of car seat design are of great significance. However, most of the main materials of conventional seats are metal materials, which have high density and heavy weight. Therefore, the development space of improving the lightweight of car seats only by optimizing the structure and design is limited. Long fiber reinforced composite materials have excellent mechanical properties and can achieve significant lightweight effect. Therefore, they are gradually applied in the automotive field, not only in most simple non-important parts, but also in some complex shape functional parts, such as the seat frame and the front segment module. 2. The importance of automobile lightweight Automobile lightweight means that on the basis of the safety performance and strength of the automobile can be guaranteed, the overall weight of the automobile can be reduced to the maximum extent, so as to enhance the power of the automobile, and reduce emissions and fuel consumption. According to the relevant tests, the fuel quantity of the vehicle has the most direct relationship with the weight of the vehicle quilt itself. The fuel consumption of 100 kilometers can be reduced by 0. 2 and 0. 8 L for every 1 kg weight reduction of the vehicle, which is usually about 4. 5% of the original consumption. Therefore, under the background of environmental protection and energy saving in automobile development, the lightweight of automobile is of great significance in the design and manufacturing process of modern automobile. Car seat is one of the most important interior parts in automobile. According to the survey, the weight of the car seat in the entire body accounts for 15% of the proportion. Although the car seat occupies a small proportion in the total weight of the body, however, as one of the large and e...
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